
This Week…

I played with my watercolors a lot this past week. I tested color combinations and playfully added paint to paper. Here are some of my paintings:

I don’t remember the inspiration for the painting.
I love the dark lines and bold colors.
Not perfect, but a whole lot of fun.
Daniel Smith watercolors on 100% cotton watercolor paper.
A painting of one of my “Vanishing Barn” photos.
100% cotton paper and Daniel Smith watercolors.
Playing with color.
I love the mountains. I want to live near the mountains so I can look at them every day.
Daniel Smith watercolors on 100% cotton watercolor paper.
Another painting from a “Vanishing Barn” photo.
Daniel Smith watercolors on 100% handmade cotton paper.
This handmade paper is from India. It’s wonderful!
This is my current favorite.
I love the pastel background and the Sumi-type brush strokes.
Daniel Smith watercolors on 100% cotton paper.
A rose inspired by Artist Jean Haines’ loose watercolor style.
Daniel Smith watercolors on 100% handmade cotton paper.
A painting from my bestie’s photo of her view in Portland.
Daniel Smith watercolors on Canson watercolor paper.
‘The Milkhouse”
A painting from a photo I took several years ago.
Daniel Smith watercolors on 100% cotton paper.

Wishing you creative inspiration!


A Big Sigh

…of relief?

I find myself sighing a lot lately. Why? Don’t know so I googled.

Sigh definition: “a long, deep, audible exhalation expressing sadness, relief, tiredness, or a similar feeling.”

Okay. I’m not sad. Relieved? About what? Tired? It’s early in the day. A similar feeling? hmmmmm.

My sighs come unconsciously, but noticeably. Still, need to know more, so more googling. Here’s an article from a scientific viewpoint:

The link will take you to Popular Science, a health article entitled, “This is Why We Sigh”.

After reading the article, I determined my sighing is resetting my respiratory system. Whew [big sigh]!


Porcelain vs Plastic

At the end of each year, I prepare for the upcoming year by making a new journal, cleaning and reorganizing my studio, and thinking about the direction I want to go.

~ The new journal is ready. ~

Somehow I got on a “palette” thing. I’m always on the lookout for the latest and greatest….a smallish palette to hold my 30+ colors (too many as far as I’m concerned) with several mixing areas.

2018 Find

The Robax palette was a new one on my radar this year. I was introduced to it through Angela Fehr’s watercolor videos. It is made in the U.S. and comes in sizes with 12 wells to an extraordinary 85 wells. There are options for additional mixing inserts, well liners to pop colors in new locations, a carousel to spin those colors closer to you and a few other goodies artists want (but don’t necessarily need).

The palette is big, and pricey….and plastic.

My 2018 Setup

I customized a Martin Mijello Airtight Leak-Proof Fusian Watercolor 24-Well Palette into a 48 well/4 mixing area one by purchasing a second palette. I removed the side with the wells and replaced the large mixing area in the original one. 12 square inches of watercolor love.

Two issues: it’s plastic and it stains. This bothers me.

My 2019 Setup

I have a bunch of the 4″ porcelain mixing/nesting bowls. I pulled them out to use as mixing trays. One for each color family, i.e., red, orange, blue etc. Ooooh, love. So easy to mix. Paint stays wet longer. Paint rewets easier. A bit inconvenient to reach into the palette to retrieve colors.

My Big Idea

I went to my favorite art supply site, Dick Blick, to get some ideas. I’ve studied and tested a lot of palettes, but now I narrowed it down to a porcelain palette….yes, yes, that’s what I need (really????) I perused the various offerings. Then I did some additional checking on other sites, Amazon and Cheap Joes, in case something new was released while I was sleeping.

Next, I took a break to think about what I REALLY want. My break consisted of painting so I could examine my current setup, try out the porcelain bowls and think about what would be BETTER.

In the Meantime….

I decided the studio needed to be rearranged.

OK, I do this on a regular basis. I humor myself by trying out various setups and usually go back to something very close to what I started with.

I like to stand to keep my paintings loose. My joints don’t like that position so I stop and end up doing something else.

Recently, I moved my tabletop easel and supplies to the kitchen bar. It’s a great area because of overhead lights so I can work when the lighting conditions are less than favorable. It’s near the kitchen (need I say more?) for easy water access. There’s plenty of room for a barstool so I can rest my weary joints. The only problem is the countertop is very narrow which limits a comfortable workspace.

Lightbulb moment! In my studio, I raised the work surface and moved the barstool! Even better, I propped up my paintings on my easels. Cool idea because I can move those babies to the spot with the best light and best access and slide them out of the way when my painting sessions are over.

Now it’s time to test the setup and rethink the palette thing.

During all this rearranging my brain made a decision! What is it you ask? The 7-well porcelain palette from Hobby Lobby! On sale for $2.99 each (Blick has them too, but they’re $5.00 each). Ordered online because they didn’t have any in stock at the Dubuque store.


…my BIG IDEA is one 7-well palette for each color family (red, yellow, blue, etc.). The outer wells will hold the individual colors and the center well will be the mixing area. These palettes are less than 5″ in diameter (easy to hold) and hopefully will stack.

2019 will be my year of the porcelain palette no matter what form it takes.

Side Note

It’s exhausting being me. I need to test every idea that pops in my head. Others may weigh the pros and cons; not me, I jump right in. Time for a nap.


December 26, 2018


Today is the day after Christmas. I’m feeling great because I consumed moderate amounts of food and very little alcohol. Those are my desires for 2019…feeling great, moderate healthy food intake and very little alcohol.

So, a blog?

I was viewing artist Ann Blockley’s website and decided to start a site of my own to chronicle my art progression. I have plenty of canvases, journals, sketchbooks, framed art and paper pieces in my studio, but no one gets to see them. It’s time to get them online; at least for my own benefit and to show friends and interested parties what I do.

I started by investigating free blogging sites and decided on WordPress because it is one of the most popular. When I started to set up, the system said I already had an account. Turns out it was Canvas & Camera started in April 2017. No need to start from scratch!

My first, really my second, post is done. I modified the site to my liking.

What’s next?

 Now to fill up the galleries with images.


Three “Happy Accidents”

First, welcome to my new blog! I look forward to sharing my artwork, my photographs, product reviews, techniques, and other stuff.

Let me start by showing you three “happy accidents”.

These lovely pieces happened when I blotted excess paint off another painting I was working on.

Till next time

Create away!